Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Is this still called capital 'gains?'

I'm so glad these are hypothetical dollars! But for some reason, I still cringe. Here's what I have now.

Thomson Reuters: TRI
Before: 30.27x100 = 3027
After: 24.05x100 = 2405

Warner Music Group: WMG
Before: 7.97x500 = 3988
After: 2.42x500 = 1210

News Corporation: NWS
Before: 13.56x200 = 2712
After: 8.01x200 = 1602

Before: 9727
After: 5217
I lost: 4510 (46.36%)

Am I the biggest loser? :( Good thing I didn't get into investment banking, huh?

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