Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week 7 Readings

The point highlighted in the green circle on page 14 left some food for thought. In this era of information overload, attention is precious and scarce. One of the ways that has seen some success of retaining attention is to give customers attention. Like the quote says, "One way to get attention from customers is to give them attention." With the plethora of participatory journalists now, and the ability to get attention through many ways (iReport, YouTube, etc.) companies are now becoming the platform to HOST others' attention instead of being the ones who constantly feed information to the consumer. For example on CNN's iReport, you can go to the site to read the news but then if you so choose, be able to report news as well. Of course the topics are limited to what CNN will allow on iReport but it is a big step towards giving customers attention and not only limiting the information flow to a one-way street. Maybe in the long run, the winners will be the ones who are able to give the most attention and shed the best light on the customers?

1 comment:

iris said...

How do companies get attention in two-way communication vs. one-way?