Wednesday, November 5, 2008


If we’re still having the newspapers vs. online news content debate, then obviously there is no happiness utile. Technically speaking, the utile of the consumer will decide the demand of newspapers or online news content. But we also have to look at the externalities that this war causes.

Externalities, in my opinion, are caused by levels of dependency. If someone relies on newspapers more than online news, then it causes a negative externality for online news content. And vice versa. To reduce the negative externality, tax is the economic solution and to increase the positive externality, subsidizing is usually the norm. But in the case of newspapers and online news content, you can’t do either, because those who own newspapers also own online news content.

While we’re figuring out how online news can out-price newspapers, there are others like Bill Densmore, who think there is a peaceful way to co-exist, while still making money – both online and offline. Densmore thinks that Newspapers must become information valets and gateways, not silos.

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